read me:

- NEW material to the goodies box
- Second assessment available for download (from this evening)
Good luck =]
- NEW post about genres - this is NOT necessary for exam or essay, but may be of interest to you...


ZZPosted by Hellray on Wednesday, April 7, 2010 , under , , | comments (0)

Subject participation

This shows you what you need to know, understand and complete in order to reach different grades:

High Distinction

The student has participated regularly, has communicated effectively with the instructor and fellow students and has displayed a broad knowledge of the subject. The student has thoroughly undertaken any set tasks and has used a wide range of media to communicate. The student has conducted a wide range of their own research to introduce in class discussions.


The student has participated consistently, has communicated effectively with the instructor and fellow students and has displayed good knowledge of the subject. The student has undertaken any set tasks and has used a range of media to communicate.


The student has participated consistently, has actively communicated with the instructor and fellow students and has displayed some knowledge of the subject. The student has undertaken most set tasks.


The student has participated, has communicated with the instructor when required and fellow students and has displayed some knowledge of the subject. The student has undertaken some set tasks.


The student has not participated, or has not communicated with the instructor or fellow students. The student may not have displayed some or even any knowledge of the subject. The student may not have undertaken set tasks.


This shows you what you need to know, understand and complete in order to reach different grades:

A high distinction essay would contain the following:
Industry and historical setting showing broad knowledge of the framing of the movie within the Hollywood system
Discussion of narrative, genre and sub-genre to place the film
An analysis and response to the topic which shows insight and a clear understanding and approach to the question set
Investigation of the movie which is detailed
Analysis which is based on the technical understanding of film as detailed throughout the subject
Cross-reference to other films covered in this subject, related films by the same director, or other highly similar films
Clear essay structure, paragraphing appropriate with clear themes, no repetition of points
Student's own language in sentences
Screen shots from film to illustrate points vs images downloaded from comment websites
References include books/magazine articles as well as websites, preferably from a wide range of sources
Proper referencing used throughout

A distinction essay would contain the following:
Some industry and historical setting showing knowledge of the framing of the movie within the Hollywood system
Some discussion of narrative, genre and sub-genre to place the film
An analysis and response to the topic which shows a clear understanding and approach to the question set
Investigation of the movie which is detailed
Analysis which is based on the technical understanding of film as detailed throughout the subject
Some cross-reference to other films covered in this subject, related films by the same director, or other highly similar films
Clear essay structure, paragraphing appropriate with clear themes, no repetition of points
Student's own language in sentences
Screen shots from film to illustrate points vs images downloaded from comment websites
References include books/magazine articles as well as websites, preferably from a wide range of sources
Proper referencing used throughout

A credit essay would contain the following:
Some industry and historical setting showing knowledge of the framing of the movie within the Hollywood system
Some discussion to place the film
An analysis and response to the topic that seeks to fully answer the question set
Broad investigation of the movie
Some analysis which is based on the technical understanding of film as detailed throughout the subject
Clear essay structure, paragraphing appropriate with clear themes, no repetition of points
Student's own language in sentences
Screen shots from film to illustrate points vs images downloaded from comment websites
Proper referencing used throughout

A pass essay would contain the following:
Some discussion to place the film
An analysis and response to the topic that seeks to answer the question set
Some investigation of the movie
Some analysis which is based on the technical understanding of film as detailed throughout the subject
Sound essay structure, paragraphing appropriate with themes, little repetition of points
Student's own language in sentences
Proper referencing used throughout

A fail essay would have not met these standards; might have a very low word count; may have contained plagiarised material; may have been poorly constructed, written or presented; may not have addressed the question or topic that had been set.